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high flux中文是什么意思

用"high flux"造句"high flux"怎么读"high flux" in a sentence


  • 磁通铁镍磁环
  • 高透量
  • 及高磁通量粉芯
  • 强力流
  • 最大密度流


  • High flux metal ion implantation
  • Specification - cores made of ferromagnetic oxides for use in high flux density transformers
  • Application of genetic algorithm in the fuel management optimization for the high flux engineering test reactor
  • The hybrid claw - pole alternators have magnetic fields contributed by permanent magnet as well as excitation coil , and the advantages are high efficiency , have good low - speed characteristics , excitation adjustable and high flux densities . for the reason of complex claw - pole construction and 3 - d magnetic field distributions , there is lack of the research on the alternators
  • However , the uv - b / par was lower because of high flux of light in summer when the grown - up plant lived , this we akened the effect of uv - b radiation on maize , and the structures and functions of mature leaves were completely developed , consequently , the effect of uv - b radiation on photosynthesis of grown - up plant was not distinct
    当其为成株时已进入夏季,此时自然光照较强, uv - b par的比值较低,在一定程度上削弱了uv - b辐射对玉米的影响,且玉米叶片已发育完全,各种防御结构和物质也已在发挥作用,因而uv - b辐射对玉米成株无明显影响。
  • This kind of led light have been prove to be having many excellent virtues and was predicted to be having the possibility of leading the lighting industry into a new revolution . for these now and future applications , it is an enormous critically important to design the illumination optics to achieve high flux - transfer efficiency , of light - emitting diode ( led )
  • The experts confirmed that the nh2c and nh15a high permeability material and ferrite cores have adapted well with the improvement of the electrons which would be smaller , thinner and lighter . the same time the cores assume so many advantages such as high flux density , high curie temperature , high frequency , low - loss etc . the technical indicators of the cores have been the nation - lead position in the same species
  • ( 4 ) the conditions of no particle deposition or making deposited particles move along the membrane surface were determined with the help of the analysis of forces acting on particles , from which , it may be considered that in the helical flow these conditions would be easier to reach than in the axial flow . when these conditions be satisfied in the whole region , there would be no or only a dynamic cake on the membrane surface . in addition , to ensure a long time steady microfiltration , sometimes over - high flux should be avoided
    ( 4 )通过颗粒受力分析,推导出外旋流方式下颗粒不沉积膜面的条件和已沉积颗粒沿膜面滚动的条件,认为从减小颗粒的沉积到促使已沉积颗粒沿膜面的滚动等方面,外旋流方式相对外轴向流较容易实现,当膜面上所有点上都满足上述条件时,在膜面上将无滤饼或形成一阻力较小的动态滤饼层。
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